Lynn Haven Youth


Lynn Haven Methodist’s Youth ministry is devoted to the spiritual growth of middle and high school students in their Christian faith. We offer a safe and positive atmosphere for students to grow in character by strengthening friendships, meeting new people, and serving God. Our mission is to lead every student to become a fully devoted follower of Christ.

Youth activities take place most Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Students can expect worship and Bible messages, small group time and having fun with their friends. We also attend amazing retreats, fun events, service projects and mission trips. Our Youth program has an outstanding, dedicated and passionate volunteer leadership team that devotes their time, energy, and heart to leading students to love God and love other people. We couldn’t hope to serve these students without the leaders that God has called to serve in our ministry. On Sunday mornings, Youth are invited to participate in the main church service along with their families.

For more information, contact: 
Neal McGee, Student Minister 
(850) 819-1013 or 

LHM Youth Group

Upcoming Events

Crossings Camp

Trip Cost: $350 per person

Turn in your forms to Neal McGee & submit full payment (or $100 deposit) no later than Sun Feb 23rd. If paying a deposit, the balance of $250 per person will be due on Wed May 7th.  

$350/person, plus snack and souvenier money. (You are signed up when you pay $100 deposit – this deposit is non refundable). 

June 2 – 7, 2025

Crossings Camp is an unforgettable week of faith and fun. Situated on 125 beautiful acres on the shore of Kentucky Lake, Jonathan Creek is one of the premiere camp destinations in the Midwest. Campers can enjoy a wide range of activities—from zip lines and bazooka ball to kayaking, tubing, and so much more.

Mandatory Camp Meeting: 
*Everyone will be required to be at the meeting on Wednesday May 28th at 7pm to discuss final details. 

Please contact Youth Minister, Neal McGee if you have any questions. 

**Attention Parents: You must click above to create your Crossings Camp account to register through their site as well as ours.** 

Young Adult Programs

“The Well” Young Adult Ministry

We are excited to announce a new Young Adult Ministry called “The Well” that has been formed at our church! All young adults aged 18 to 28 years old are invited to attend. The group meets here at LHM Wednesday evenings at 8 pm for a time of food, fellowship & fun! If you have any questions, or if you feel called to lead a devotion or get involved with this group, please reach out to Student Minister, Neal McGee or Church Lay Leader, Brian Baber.

Faith Anchors Program

In an effort to maintain a strong connection with graduating students & the body of Christ @ Lynn Haven Methodist, we are introducing a Faith Anchors program which is designed to provide emotional, spiritual & practical support through involvement from dedicated church families. Studies show that as many as 70% of Christian students leave the church during college/young adult life. We want to prevent that from happening to our students!

In order to support graduating high school seniors as they transition to college/young adult life, this program will consist of:

Faith Anchors: Students will be thoughtfully matched with families based on shared interests, backgrounds, and spiritual needs to foster meaningful relationships.

Communication Plan: Regular monthly check-ins will be scheduled, utilizing emails, phone calls, video chats, and if possible, in-person visits, to ensure ongoing support and mentorship.

Support Activities: Faith Anchor families will engage in various activities, including sending care packages, sharing devotional content, praying for the students and offering guidance and encouragement.

We will provide guidance and training for anyone interested!

Please consider becoming one of our Faith Anchor families. To find out how you can get involved, contact Student Minister, Neal McGee.


Weekly Meetings/Activities

Youth Group meetings are held at Lynn Haven Methodist, 3203 Minnesota Avenue, Panama City.
ALL middle and high school students are welcome to attend, regardless of church affiliation. 
Wednesdays: 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Sundays: 6:00 – 7:30 pm

V.I.P. Section

Dear Parents,

We want to invite you to partner with us in our new V.I.P. (Very Important Partner) program. This fall, we began providing a weekly outline for our Wednesday evening Youth small groups so that you can have conversations with your students about what they are learning. 

As we teach through each study, we’ll provide you with an overview of what we will cover, as well as some follow-up questions you and your student might use to continue the discussion.

If you missed our last in person V.I.P. Event we have loaded some valuable resources here on the topic that was covered “Parenting in a Tech World”. 

We hope these tools prove useful in creating meaningful conversations for your family! Please contact me if we can help you in any other way.

Thanks & God Bless,
Neal McGee
Youth Minister
(850) 819-1013