One of our five Life-Giving Practices is to Bless People. Being a blessing to others is as simple as praying for someone who is hurting or performing any act of kindness toward another person. Our Prayer Square Ministry gives members an opportunity to bless others through a simple, personal encounter designed to leave a lasting impression of God’s love.
In 2013 Lynn Haven Methodist member Norma Wallis envisioned using her love for needlework to make business-card sized “Prayer Squares” that would be prayed over and shared with anyone who needed to hear the hope of Christ.
As of August 2019, more than 50,000 prayer squares have been made and distributed around our community. Some have even made it around the world!
One of the squares was with a Georgia lineman who was working to restore power in Puerto Rico after a hurricane. The crocheted square was in his pocket when a live wire sent a bolt of electricity. The bolt lodged in the metal cross part of the square instead of electrocuting him!
Another square was hanging from the rear view mirror of a young woman when she was in a car accident. Her car went into an overgrown area of woods where it couldn’t be seen from the road. Trapped in the vehicle, she grabbed the square and prayed “Lord, help me.” Within a few minutes someone who was passing by saw the fresh tire marks, found her and called for help.