Wed 4.16.25 @ 6pm. Please register everyone in the household that plans to attend.
Easter Bingo & Fellowship Event
All ages are invited to join us Wed April 16th at 6pm for an evening of fun, food and fellowship!
We will have pizza, BINGO for all ages with prizes, and ice cream! It will be a fun night for ALL, so bring the whole family! Nursery care will also be available (if needed) for younger children.

Wednesday Night Supper
This year we are excited to be able to offer Fellowship Meals on special occasions such as our Fall Family Fun Night. Nearly every month a special meal will be served including the week prior to Thanksgiving (turkey and all the trimmings is planned) and the night of the Jingle Jam, Ash Wednesday and Holy Week services. The cost of these meals will remain the same as the previous prices ($10 adults, $5 children, $30 max per family) and two meals, a Trunk or Treat cookout and Awana Awards Night pizza supper, will be provided free of charge.
All of our Wednesday Night ministries such as Awana, Adult Bible Study & Youth Group will still take place as usual, starting this fall and continuing through spring 2025.
Submit Your Supper Reservation. Click above to pay for meals online (or you can pay in person).
Questions? Email Cindy at