Pursue Great People

Pastor Terry Tatum The past few weeks we have been in a sermon series entitled Becoming Great. That word “great” has always been intimidating to me. In fact, I’ve struggled with it for a long time. Great = above the normal average. How can I become great? What does that exactly look like? Have I…

Dream Great Dreams

Pastor Craig Carter We are currently in a sermon series on becoming great in God’s eyes. We are examining some activities that enable us as believers to bring glory to God and accomplish the work He has given us to do. Last week we discovered that great Christians think great thoughts. Today we’ll begin to…

Think Great Thoughts

Pastor Craig Carter I’m happy to report that construction at our Fusion campus is now in full swing after a number of delays. Praise the Lord! Over the past several months we’ve had work stoppages for a variety of reasons. We’ve had to wait on plans to be drawn and permits to be granted, we’ve…

Becoming Great

Pastor Craig Carter When my daughter Abby was little, you could predict her answer to just about any question. How was your day? “Good. How’s your lunch? “Good.” How was children’s church this morning? “Good.” Like it was for Abby back then, life for most of us is pretty good. And good is certainly all…