Big Words: Assurance

In our current sermon series, we’re looking at some Big Words that aren’t necessarily part of our common vocabulary and so they are sometimes difficult to understand. But these “big words” are the language of our faith that communicate what we believe as Christians. They form the doctrine, or teaching, of the Church. Throughout the…

Big Words: Salvation

Pastor Terry Tatum We are in a series titled Big Words, where we hope to explain some of the difficult concepts that we often speak of in the church world, but not everyone understands.  Two weeks ago Pastor Craig taught us about Prevenient Grace (the grace that precedes salvation), which led us to last week’s…

Big Words: Conversion

Pastor Terry Tatum Last week, Craig taught us about Prevenient Grace. I have heard it said before that “Prevenient grace is the first light of the soul,” and if accepted, it leads us to the brink of saving grace.  Have you ever heard the term saving grace before? How about salvation, justification, or being saved?…

Big Words: Prevenient Grace

Pastor Craig Carter On most points we, as Methodists, have similar views to other denominations but, in some areas, we differ.  I heard about a man who arrived at the gates of heaven and St. Peter asked, “What denomination?”  “Methodist,” the man replied. “Go to Room 24, but be very quiet as you pass by…