Easter Sunday April 20, 2025
7 am Sunrise Service
Join us at AL Kinsaul Park (1146 W 5th St, Lynn Haven, FL 32444) at 7 am for a special sunrise service led by Youth Minister, Neal McGee.
9 am & 10:30 am services at LHM
We will have 2 services at LHM (3203 Minnesota Ave, PC FL 32405) on Easter Sunday. Both services will be similar in style and will include elementary aged children. Nursery care will eb provided for infants up to Pre-k aged children.
Countdown to Easter
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
Easter is a time when Christians glorify and give thanks for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. After His crucifixion, death, and burial, Christ rose from the grave three days later. By this, He conquered death and redeemed us from sin. Praise be to God!
Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday marks the start of the season of Lent. Through the service of ashes on the first day of Lent, we come before God recognizing our humanity, repenting of our sin, and remembering who we are and who we can be. Join us at 6 pm in the Worship Center on March 5th. Nursery care will be provided for children ages infant to Pre-K.
Holy Week
Holy Week, also known as Passion Week, is the week leading up to Easter Sunday.
Daily Video Devotionals
Starting Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, we will share a short video devotional on our YouTube and Facebook pages. Each video message will be based on an object lesson related to Holy Week. Once they are posted, you can access the videos by going to our page links mentioned above or by clicking the tabs below.
Video Devotional Coming 4/13!
Video Devotional Coming 4/14!
Video Devotional Coming 4/15!
Video Devotional Coming 4/16!
Video Devotional Coming 4/17!
Video Devotional Coming 4/18!
Video Devotional Coming 4/19!
Video Devotional Coming 4/20!
Palm Sunday - 4/13
Regular Worship services will be held at 8 am (Traditional) & 9:30 am (Contemporary).
All Ages Bingo & Fellowship Meal - 4/16
Join us Wednesday April 16th at 6pm for our Bingo & Fellowship event! We will have pizza, BINGO for all ages with prizes, and ice cream! It will be a fun night for ALL, so bring the whole family! Nursery care will also be available (if needed) for younger children.
Please register everyone in the household that plans to attend.
Prayer Vigil - 4/17-18
Team Up!
As Easter draws near, it is our desire to remain in steady prayer as we remember Jesus’ great love and sacrifice for each one of us.
You too can participate in this important ministry!
COMING SOON: Click the Sign up button to take an hour (or more!) time slot starting Thursday at 6 pm through Friday at 6 pm. All time slots are for in-person prayer at the church in the Worship Center.
We encourage you to pray at home as well (or if you can not make it to the church for in-person prayer).
If you would like a prayer guide to help direct your thoughts during your time click the button to the left!
Good Friday Service of Darkness - 4/18
This service that presents the suffering and death of Jesus will begin at 7 pm in the Worship Center. It will feature Scripture readings from Matthew’s gospel and each lesson will be followed by a prayer, a song, and the extinguishing of a candle. As the story unfolds, the lights will be gradually dimmed to dramatize Christ’s suffering. After a final Scripture is read, the Christ candle will be removed and taken out of the worship center to symbolize the death and burial of the Light of the world. Worshipers leave in reverent silence to ponder the impact of Christ’s death and await the celebration of His Resurrection on Easter.
Nursery care will be available for ages infant through pre-k.
Easter Sunday 4/20
7am Service @ Kinsaul Park
1146 W. 5th Street, Lynn Haven, FL 32444
We will have limited seating. Please plan to bring your own chair if possible.
9 am & 10:30 am Services
Lynn Haven Methodist
3203 Minnesota Ave, PC FL 32405
Info on 9 am & 10:30 am services:
- Both services will be similar in style.
- Elementary aged children will join in the service.
- Nursery care available for ages infant to pre-k.