Interested in Joining our Church or Being Baptized? Anytime is a great time to join our church or be baptized, but from time to time we designate a day to formally welcome new members and/or perform baptisms. If you have been considering membership or baptism, please reach out to Discipleship Pastor Mindy Clemons, or call/text 850.265.5231.
Come join us for our BINGO Fun Night! We will have pizza, BINGO for all ages with prizes, and ice cream! It will be a fun night for ALL, so bring the whole family! Nursery care will also be available (if needed) for younger children. Cost is $5 per person which includes Bingo, dinner &…
16 Apr
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Lynn Haven Methodist3203 Minnesota Avenue, Panama City, FL 32405
This service that presents the suffering and death of Jesus will begin at 7 pm in the Worship Center. It will feature Scripture readings from Matthew’s gospel and each lesson will be followed by a prayer, a song, and the extinguishing of a candle. As the story unfolds, the lights will be gradually dimmed to dramatize…
18 Apr
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Lynn Haven Methodist3203 Minnesota Avenue, Panama City, FL 32405
The gospel writers tell us that Mary Magdalene and some of Jesus’ other female followers went to his tomb early on the third day after his Crucifixion. They went to grieve and to tend to Jesus’ body, as was the custom at the time. When they arrived, they found the stone rolled away, and the tomb…
20 Apr
7:00 am - 8:00 am
A.L. Kinsaul Park1146 W 5th St, Lynn Haven, FL 32444
Join us Sunday, April 20, 2025 to CELEBRATE EASTER! Our Easter Worship Schedule is as follows: Sunrise Service 7 am @ Kinsaul Park – 1146 W. 5th St., Lynn Haven 9 am & 10:30 am @ Lynn Haven Methodist Worship Center – 3203 Minnesota Ave, PC FL 32405 Overflow parking is available in…
20 Apr
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Lynn Haven Methodist3203 Minnesota Avenue, Panama City, FL 32405